To all yg nak cari new fridge freezer, I nak recommend to get the harvestfresh technology dari
Reason simple ni, yg I mention kat post sebelum ni on their innovative technology utk mimic the sun 24 jam cycle, ni lah yg hebat!
Betul2 buah dan sayur boleh stay fresh for longer dan I pun boleh beli more at one time and store kat fridge. Bila I nak buat salad pun, tak ye risau sayur jadi lembik atau brown color. Nak buka puasa makan healthy ni pun tak susah.
Beli semua grocery pun tak risau the smell kan ada Active Odour Filter. I betul2 shock takde macam2 smell in my fridge. Klau dulu, letak makanan yg ada strong smell, pasti ada bau! Also skrg ada NeoFrost Dual Cooling system meaning skrg I boleh simpan my favourite food together with my meat and seafood and the smell takkan mix! So I takan mcm bau strong seafood smell bila I nak makan my cake. Hehe so next time nak letak durian pun takkan risau 🤭
Check my Beko HarvestFresh Fridge - RDNT401E50VK in Dark Ino colour kay! Sama2 enjoy the goodness of living a healthier lifestyle!
Also, count down utk the launch of Beko HarvestFresh Fridge Freezer new model in May! Excited niii
Kalau nk tau lebih lanjut korg boleh layan website Beko ❤️
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅SARAH & JASON,也在其Youtube影片中提到,We've been wanting to Vlog the experience of going to the supermarket But to the shop and to stay clean and to film all at the same time just seems li...
「grocery meaning」的推薦目錄:
- 關於grocery meaning 在 Reen Rahim official Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於grocery meaning 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於grocery meaning 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於grocery meaning 在 SARAH & JASON Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於grocery meaning 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於grocery meaning 在 The Meatmen Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於grocery meaning 在 Grocery Meaning - YouTube 的評價
- 關於grocery meaning 在 Grocery Meaning | VocabAct | NutSpace - YouTube 的評價
- 關於grocery meaning 在 grocery意思的推薦與評價,FACEBOOK和網紅們這樣回答 的評價
grocery meaning 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最佳解答
《關於吃的閱讀 -- 3之1》
"Food is the business of eating,grocery we'll see, that's completely different," it's the business of desire"
書本一開始用簡短的篇幅述說美式賣場超市的出現,如何引發許多新發明 (運輸用的紙盒,食品品牌,超市推車,零售業動線規劃,等等。在大者恆大的競爭態勢當中,我很喜歡作者用 “Trader Joe's" 這個例子。這家生鮮零售店在美國以外比較沒有名,但它可是全美所有零售業者中單位平方英尺獲利最高的公司之一,僅次於Apple Store 和 Tiffany 蒂凡妮珠寶店。他刻意語大公司競爭策略避開,完全是從如何創造最高面積價值的方式來選擇銷售的品項。創辦人想像他所面對的消費者,跟以往不同,是一群受過“被過度教育” (他強調但是不見得“過度聰明”的年輕人),他們不再只是尋找最低價格二是要透過購買來表達他們的價值理念(有那麼一絲理想主義文青的概念)。他在早期如何透過紅酒的策略有著不錯的獲利成績。再來就是與產地直接推出掛名品牌的特殊產品。然後,也在無法與大公司價格競爭之於創造出一些特別的品項(例如因為花生醬價格無法競爭就自行開發了杏仁醬。後來反而成為他們的暢銷獨門產品)
裡面也有一段講到自動化帶來的巨大便利性,以及看不見的代價。作者回到汽車業最開始美國車廠,如何用更大的腹地並垂直整合原物料,來製造便宜的汽車說起。日本汽車廠因為沒有這些先天的條件而感到岌岌可危。當年TOYOTA的一名工程師到美國超市大賣場之後,被那樣的場景震懾了,也同樣激發期所謂JIT (即時製造)流程的靈感),反而讓日系車廠因著效率,而成為世界汽車製造業後來最有競爭力的一群。美國人看到了這樣的做法當然也爭相模仿。可是如果把這一套思考方式帶到人力密集的產業之中,就有一個很大的問題。因為人不能像零件或是原物料那樣隨傳隨到,人必須有一定程度的工作保障才能夠養家活口。書中講到了許多美國大型零售商的勞資糾紛,看到許多人好像再怎麼努力,都無法離貧窮或是負債太遠,真的能夠體會近年來美國內部因加劇的貧富不均所引發的怒吼,真的是非常可以理解的。
這本書另外很特別的一點,是作者花5年的時間為了真實了解大型零售超市生態圈的各個層面,他親身參與在第一線的工作。包括花數月的時間與貨車司機朝夕相處,參與運送的過程 (然後在那個漫漫的長途運送過程中聽司機的故事)。他成為美國大型知名生鮮超市的實習倉儲員工,與那些無法負擔學生貸款,充滿期待加入這個行業的人一起走一段路。還有每年無數多新食品發明的創業者,他與其中一位保持數年的聯絡,看見她散盡存款,挨家挨戶的推銷產品(“會改變你人生的一款沾醬!”),卻依然保持120分的熱情持續往前,直到逐漸嶄露頭角。還有前往泰國魚村,認識從人口販賣奴隸漁業制度黑暗中,逃出來的人的現身說法。
“零售很大的成份是在反映著整個社會, 關於人們在思考什麼,想要什麼,以及尋找什麼。根本的來說人類總是在尋找意義,而我們把消費當成一個重要的表達方式”
"Retail is a giant reflection of society, what people are thinking and wanting and looking for. Fundamentally I think we are meaning seeking species, and I think we place a lot of meaning in consumption"
#TheSecretLifeofGroceries #Supermarket #BenjaminLorr
grocery meaning 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最佳貼文
唉~ 接下來幾個禮拜,只能像是籠中鳥兒看著天空🕊️😢
好啦!其實沒那麼慘🙈 雖然墨爾本進入最嚴重的災難狀態,實施宵禁,強制戴口罩等⚠️ 但民眾還是可以每天出去一個小時運動,只是不能離家圓周五公里遠🏃
不過我從沒想到一個家庭只能派一個人出去買菜對我來說是打擊多麼大的事🙀 接下來就是一個抱怨+自我檢討的文字😬
首先,煮飯的人是 York,所以他必須買食材🌽 我則負責看當週有什麼特價、家裡用品缺什麼,再依照單位價格以及熱量等決定要買什麼😬 可以說逛超市是我旅遊世界各地的樂趣😝
事情發生於實行禁令下午,York下班後趕緊到附近的超市買菜🍆 買了一個禮拜份的簡單食材,買了他喜歡吃的橘子,卻沒買我愛吃的蘋果🍎🍊
當下我氣炸了!覺得如果我不一起去購物,那麼他都不會想到我愛吃什麼東西? 又或是可以把他一公升的牛奶放回去,買一公斤我的蘋果也好😠
直到今天看到我朋友在 IG 轉發的文章,突然讓我釋懷。英文大意大概是這樣⤵️
可是連續五個月都在緊繃狀態,我們無法進行平常讓頭腦放鬆的活動。例如見朋友、去餐廳吃飯、踏青⛰️ 久而久之,原本的動力就會消耗而盡...😔 什麼事情都提不起勁、每天昏昏沉沉、脾氣開始變成暴躁、沮喪💔
每天能夠安全度過就已經很棒了。畢竟人們需要在滿足生理需求後,才可以追求額外的事物,例如創造力等🖌️ 所以不要對自己太自責,也不要覺得自己沒用、在浪費生命❤️ 記得這不是你的問題,而是疫情的關係。」
有時候一段文字真的可以拯救一個人的心態啊~ 難怪那麼多人愛讀心靈雞湯😹 希望這段話也可以送給那些因為疫情影響的朋友們❤️
說真的這波封城比第一波封城還要困難☹️ 主要是因為全世界基本上都重新開放了,看著大家遊玩的照片而我們只能卡在家裡(之前至少還可以爬山)確實令人沮喪😔 不過還是要好好珍惜自己所擁有的,不要讓負面情緒掌控🙏
Ps. 最近 York 又重新開始跑步,卻碰到第二波封城的關係他就不出去跑了🏃 因為直到前天,原來那些確診的人除了在家自我隔離,居然還可以出去運動😱
而且運動的時候不需要戴口罩,因為政府覺得這樣無法跑步及騎腳踏車等🚲 實在有夠扯!難怪墨爾本人數一直上升📈 所以現在也不太想要出去走路了... 🙁
Pss. 我的 IG 只剩幾個人就可以破七千了!雖然離一萬還是很遙遠😭 希望大家可以多多支持啊~ 🙉
For the next few weeks, we will be like birds in a cage looking out into the sky 🕊️😢
Okay! Maybe not that bad but considering Melbourne is in a "state of disaster" and we are only allowed 5KM radius from home, it's quite similar to being caged up 🙉
I never thought not able to go food shopping together has so much impact on me😕 Under the new restriction, only one person per household can go out food shopping🌽
York has to be the person doing shopping cz he's the one cooking🍳 Yet I am the one who buys other household items and see what's on special etc😬
So for York going out to shop by himself, it will turn out like the day after the restriction was announced, where he quickly went food shopping after work in case everything gets sold out👀
He bought his favourite oranges and not my apples🍊🍎 I asked why? He said cz he's already bought too much. So I looked into the grocery bag and saw him bought 3 liters of milk!!!
If he only have bought 2 liters of milk and 1 kilo of my apple (cz that's the only fruit I LOVE) then I'd be ok🙄 But no!!! 3 liters of milk for the week when I don't even drink milk just makes me think he doesn't consider about me😠
Then I read this post by @thepsychologysisters, which made me felt better and decided to forgive😌 It pretty much summed up like this⤵️
"Just remember that we've been stuck in a fight or flight mode since March. It's ok if you haven't been as productive as you would have liked, learnt a new skill, exercised everyday etc💪
We're suffering a collective stress response, it's admirable if we're able to even just make it through the day.
Our work, home and social environment has changed, we've had to adopt to a new and unfamiliar way of living👀
We had to cancel events that normally give our brain a break and provoke a sense of fun, normality, social cohesion and relaxation.
When we're in constant fight or flight, we begin to burn out. Our brain is stuck in survival mode, meaning we're less able to regulate our emotions and think normally🙁 It makes sense we're exhausted, burnt out and lacking any motivation at the moment.
We've been hit with 5 months of adrenaline, norepinephrine and stress hormones which can have devastating impacts on our emotional regulation, psychological and physical wellbeing💔
So if you're feeling tired, constantly sad, frustrated for no reason, ruminating on what could have been for 2020, please know that you are not alone, this is completely normal emotional reaction to Covid-19💕"
So ya, because of this post, it made decided to try not to forget how lucky we are still have a home🏠 Try not to let negativity take over and still try to be grateful 🙏
Ps. It still sucks seeing everyone traveling around the globe cz their government thinks economy is more important than health...😅
grocery meaning 在 SARAH & JASON Youtube 的最讚貼文
We've been wanting to Vlog the experience of going to the supermarket
But to the shop and to stay clean and to film all at the same time just seems like a load of effort and a load of worry
Having seen Dr. Jeffrey VanWingen's vlog about cleaning groceries inspired us to show you how we do it (how Jason does it)
It's actually much more easy-going now, since the situation in Hong Kong seems to be somewhat under control
Nevertheless it's always good to be prepared, and it never hurt to do a little more (if you can)
You should take what we say with a pinch of salt
Jason does like to clean, more accurately, Jason used to like doing a bit of cleaning
Jason: I think I've done enough cleaning for a good many years, I'm looking forward to not cleaning anything soon
Sarah: not true, he's pretty OCD, pretty meaning "extremely, top 5%, cannot be saved "OCD, so you tell me if he'll ever stop cleaning???
Have a lovely lovely weekend
Happy Mother's Day
Maybe you can all do the dishes for your mothers or your wives or the future mother of your kids… You know what we mean???
#CleanGroceries #FruitAndVeg
#COVID19free #Can #Plastic
#Clothes #Shoes #CleanCar #OCD
#買餸 #餸菜清洗 #完美示範 #消毒 #新冠肺炎
#水果 #蔬菜 #肉 #魚 #罐頭 #紙包裝
#衫褲鞋襪 #洗車 #乾淨
#StayCalm #StayPositive
#StaySafe #StayHealthy
#LookAfterYourself #LookAfterEachOther

grocery meaning 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最佳解答
Does Persistence Really Pay Off? In Dan’s New Book You’ll Discover His Step-By-Step Framework To Become Successful And Wealthy Regardless Of Your Age, Career, Or Experience. Click Here To Secure Your Copy Today:
If an important person in your life stopped texting you back, what would you do? Would you keep sending them messages, or would you give up on them and move on? In this video, Dan uncovers one of Ryan Serhant’s most memorable real estate deals which took him 5 years. So does persistence really pay off? Watch this video now to find out.
Ryan Serhant is an American real estate broker and recognized as one of the best in his field. He is now leading his own team of more than 60 experienced agents and has closed over $1.6B worth of real estate over the last two years. Furthermore, he is a bestselling author and a star in the television series, “Million Dollar Listing New York”, and, “Sell It Like Serhant”.
Check out these Top Trending Playlists -
1.) Boss In The Bentley -
2.) Sales Tips That Get People To Buy -
3.) Dan Lok’s Best Secrets -
Not long ago, Dan Lok was just a poor immigrant boy. He had nothing but a strong desire to get out of debt and make enough to provide for his single mom. With this strong desire, Dan quit his job as a grocery bagger. He dropped out of college. And he became an entrepreneur.
After 13 failed businesses, Dan finally became a self-made millionaire at age 27 and multi-millionaire by age 30.
Fast forward to today, Dan is now an official Forbes Book author with over 13 internationally best-selling books. He’s the founder and chairman of several multimillion dollar businesses. And outside of his business success, he is one of the most-watched, most quoted and most followed educators of our time. In total, his videos have been watched over 100-million times across his social media platforms. His emails are read by over 2,000,000 people every month.
If you want the no b.s. way to master your financial destiny, then learn from Dan. Subscribe to his channel now.
Dan Lok Blog:
#DanLok #Persistence #PayOff
Please understand that by watching Dan’s videos or enrolling in his programs does not mean you’ll get results close to what he’s been able to do (or do anything for that matter).
He’s been in business for over 20 years and his results are not typical.
Most people who watch his videos or enroll in his programs get the “how to” but never take action with the information. Dan is only sharing what has worked for him and his students.
Your results are dependent on many factors… including but not limited to your ability to work hard, commit yourself, and do whatever it takes.
Entering any business is going to involve a level of risk as well as massive commitment and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT WATCH DAN’S VIDEOS OR SIGN UP FOR ONE OF HIS PROGRAMS.
This video is about Does Persistence Really Pay Off?

grocery meaning 在 The Meatmen Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文
Recipe at:
Yusheng is an unique Chinese New Year dish that is very Malaysian and Singaporean. It's a must-have dish to be served, heralding the arrival of Chinese New Year. Each component of the dish has an auspicious meaning. Tossing it high up, joyously shouting auspicious words is such a celebration!
For a twist, we did beetroot citrus cured salmon. The beetroot dyes the salmon a rich ruby hue that screams Chinese New Year. The subtle taste of juniper and citrus of gin with the citrus zests gives it a zing to tease the palate. To follow up with this taste profile, our Yusheng sauce has orange and lime juice in it to lift up and lighten the dish, to cut through the sweetness of the plum sauce. Lo Hei everyone!
Courtesy to Redmart, we are giving out 3 x$88 RedMart vouchers for your CNY shopping! All you have to do is tell us in the comments what you’d like to do with your shopping goodies and tag a friend while at it! We’ll decide a winner by the 25th of Jan.
You can get your Chinese New Year last minute shopping done here with festive goodies - If you’re a new customer, quote "THEMEATMEN20" for a wholesome 20% off your grocery shopping, valid from now till end of this month!
#themeatmensg #simple #delicious #redmart #yusheng #cnyrecipes
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